Just about everything that functions require maintenance; just like your car needs the oil changed and the tires rotated, your mouth needs proper cleaning, which includes brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash. Just like you take your car to the mechanic for routine maintenance, you need to come to our office for routine maintenance, which includes a professional cleaning and complete dental exam.
At Home Oral Hygiene Tips
To take care of your smile between regularly scheduled maintenance, we have compiled a list of activities that you can do at home.
- Brush
- Majority of patients do indeed brush. However, they typically brush too hard and do not brush long enough. Make sure to set a timer for two minutes on your vanity, or try an electric toothbrush which most of the time have a built-in timer. Also, make sure to brush your teeth a minimum of two times per day, and if you can, make sure to brush after each meal.
- Floss
- Flossing is just as important as brushing your teeth, as it ensures that no food or debris just lodged in between your teeth. Foods or debris that gets lodged between your teeth can lead to tooth decay if not properly removed. Not to mention, the food that is stuck may eventually lead to bad breath.
- Mouthwash
- Try mouthwash as it will not only give you a blast of fresh breath and make your mouth feel much cleaner, but it will also rinse away all the food and debris away that you may have missed during your brushing and flossing routine.
- Regular Visits
- We recommend that you come in at least once every six months for a professional cleaning and a routine checkup that will help us find and address any potential concerns before they become serious issues.
Schedule An Appointment
If you or a loved one are struggling with finding an oral hygiene routine that works for you, Dr. Kaplan can help. Contact our Cincinnati, OH dentists office today if you are interested in learning more about new techniques of oral hygiene. To schedule a check-up, call (513) 342-2644 or request an appointment online.